The power of social proof — a psychological phenomenon where people conform to the actions of others under the assumption that those actions are reflective of the correct behavior — makes customer feedback priceless for any business. Testimonials, a leading social proof tactic, build credibility and highlight the benefits of your products without an in-your-face sales pitch. Numbers and information are useful, but at the end of the day, customers want to know how your product will benefit them. Your existing customers are the best source of information when it comes to providing that.

A Look at the Numbers

Studies show that more than 90% of modern shoppers read reviews before making a purchasing decision. Especially for higher priced products, having reviews available can increase your conversion rate by almost 400%. And, most importantly, almost 100% of shoppers say that reviews influence their purchasing decisions.

Even without knowing these numbers, common sense tells us that gathering different perspectives on your business is beneficial, because not everyone appreciates the same facet of a product or service. Further, testimonials make it easy to identify your market and give your brand life, while also helping your customers to identify the offerings within your business that fit their needs.

Incorporating Testimonials into Your Emails

So, how can you incorporate customer testimonials in your email marketing? Here are a few ways:

Customer Spotlight

Use a real customer’s picture or link to a video in an email template. Relatability is a huge part of making a purchase. People need to be able to visualize their lives with your product or service, and real customers with honest opinions can help do that.

Actively Solicit Post-Purchase Reviews

Ask people to leave a review of their own after making a purchase. You shouldn’t be afraid to ask customers what they think. People will feel a stronger connection to your business if their voices are heard.

Be Specific

Ask specific questions from your customers if you want the best feedback. You want to figure out what exactly it is your customers are looking to gain from using your product or service.

Link to a Product Page

Link reviews for specific products to that product’s page on your website. Good reviews lead to purchases, so streamlining that process is a good idea. Don’t make people hunt.

Tell the Truth… and Nothing but the Truth

Don’t fabricate. It’s usually pretty obvious when reviews are made up. “I love this product! Works great!” provides no mention of a specific product and no measurable success, which is about as beneficial as eating a slice of white bread when you’re dieting.

However you choose to put your testimonials on display, they should be eye-catching and easy to read or view. Nobody wants to read a page-long review of a vacuum cleaner. Identify and highlight the essentials. This is where exact measurements of success come in handy. Saying “increased conversions by 300%” is a lot more useful than “works great”.

Testimonials add a human element to what can sometimes be strictly-business transactions. Because singing your own praises can be tough, why not let your customers do it for you?

Need help incorporating customer testimonials in your email campaigns? ahoy! is here to help.


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash